This year I invited some girlfriends over to bake cookies, and somehow talked them all into trying gluten-free baking (admittedly not too difficult since one was also GI, one is studying to be an ND and understands GI folks, and one didn't know what she was getting into).
We made 4 different batches of cookie dough. I followed a gluten free recipe I had found for shortbread for the first one. My brother swiped a finger of dough and said "Don't make that into cookies. It's awful." I tried to object that the flavor might improve with baking, but we both knew I was wrong. The Bob's Red Mill GF All Purpose Flour was the culprit. Too much garbanzo and fava bean flavor. I also made a batch of gluten free sugar cookie dough with less of the Bob's mix and combined it with white rice flour- also terrible. We thought we'd be okay with a recipe for gluten free gingerbread because gingerbread is so spicy and flavorful; no such luck. The only hope came from my last desperate attempt: I decided to modify my trusted wheat flour shortbread recipe. I avoided the Bob's mix at all costs and the results were delicious, if a bit crumbly. Here is the recipe:
2 sticks butter, soft
3/4 C sugar
2 egg yolks
Flour Mix: 2 1/2 C White Rice Flour
1/2 C Corn Starch
1/4 tsp Bob's Red Mill Xanthan Gum
pinch of salt
Cream butter and sugar. Add egg yolks. Blend in flour mix, cornstarch and salt just until it gathers. Gather into a ball and chill for 1 hr or overnight.
When ready to bake, heat oven to 350ยบ. Roll out dough, cut into desired shapes and cook on baking tray 12-15 minutes. If desired, decorated with colored sugar before baking or frosting after baking.

It should be noted that I feel Bob's Red Mill All Purpose GF Baking Flour